Thursday, 26 July 2012

Souls we meet...!!!

             We all love to be around people who make us feel good.  They may make us laugh and not take life too seriously.  Their attitude and perspective may encourage us.  They make us feel at ease and free to be ourselves. And, we may feel appreciated and loved when we are around them. And this feeling make us come alive and encourage us to be the way we are towards that particular person. It actually make us feel safe and protected with that person. When we think about the people we like to be around, what is it about them that makes us feel good?  We may not be able to recall all the things they say or do that we like, but it is a combination of qualities that make us enjoy their presence.  More than anything, we remember that being with them is a good experience.  They seem to bring out the best in us. 

On the other hand, some people make us feel bad.  Their negativity is a downer and saps our energy.  The way they treat us can make us feel angry, hurt, or disgusted.  Their anxiety is unpleasant and contagious.  We may feel badly about ourselves when we are around them.  Expectations they impose upon us can be burdensome and overbearing.  We may feel unable to measure up or to please them.  Their words are toxic and destructive if we take them in.  Is there any wonder we don’t like to be around them??

People respond to their environment.  If it’s pouring rain, we look for cover.  If the hot sun is beating on us, we take off our jackets.  We like to feel good and safe.  It’s the same with relationships.  With the good, we feel safe, accepted, and welcome, so we respond positively.  With the bad, we are more likely to be on guard, defensive, and uncomfortable.  We may not be able to control or predict how others will treat us, but we can choose to be our best in all situations. 
In the upstairs to end of our life we tend to meet every kind of person in our life and we deal with them all the time. And these are the same people who thought us what is life, is it good !!! or is it bad !!! we have to live with it...and deal with it with a big big smile on your face..never be disheartened with a person who hurts you all the time....instead just think about those who cant think of living without you...who's presence is everything for you in your life...
and alwys remember, ITS ALL ABOUT THE WAY WE LIVE OUR LYF !!!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Have a deeper mind in yourself !!!!!!

It is difficult knowing who is right for you and who is wasting
your time, who is trustworthy and who is unstable or even dangerous. We try to apply logic to the situation,
and that helpw. But most of us in the dating world find that we are
perfectly capable of making terrible mistakes and of caring quite
deeply about someone who has few redeeming features or who just
isn’t a good fit for us.
Friends can tell you what they believe about the situation and
what they find is true for them; a therapist can tell you guidelines
about relationships in general. Family members can tell you what
they hope you will find in life.
What you need, though, is someone who knows your secrets,
your emotional nature, your history of sabotage, your fear of intimacy,
and your fear of winding up alone. You need someone who
is absolutely and unreservedly on your side, who agrees that a
solid, loving relationship is worth the quest..
In the pursuit of finding and nourishing love, you should take
advantage of all the advocates, advisers, and supporters you can
find, but the one resource you absolutely must take advantage of is your deeper mind. This part of your psyche takes in volumes
of information, even subtle or subliminal clues; it recognizes
patterns sometimes in an instant; and it knows and understands
your personality without judgment and the ways your quirks and
your strengths impact your style of relating and your approach
to love.
The bottom line is that the deeper mind is one of your most
accurate and potent advisers, and it tends to speak to you through
your dreams and your intuition...

Sunday, 8 July 2012

I miss you.....!!!

I Really Miss U..

The clouds slowly move
Unblocking my vision
Of the full, blue moon
Allowing me to see the stars

That I continue to wish upon
I hope tonight you are safe
I hope that you’re able to find the sleep
That you so desperately deserve

I often wonder, if at times
You forget someone over here
Misses you and keeps you in their prayers
I wish there was some way

To be held in your arms….
That I could look into your eyes
And let you worries disappear
There isn’t much I can do

Being way over here
I lose sleep over thoughts of you
The blankets that once surrounded me
In their warmth

Are now in a mess on the floor
I wish you were here to take their place
I look up towards the sky
And let the wind take my words

Through the miles.......

Dedicated to someone i love a lot :-)
will always be there for u....

Way to live your life...!!!

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back...